Monday, March 18, 2013

Xbox720 MUST be branded as Xbox8 wrt to Win8

The last article I touched upon was PS3's next generation. So-called PS4. And my simple suggestion was Sony should name it as PS Z. In line with their top premium Xperia Z, and Xperia Z Tablet. Put them in a synchronised family. Just what purple VAIO was supposed to be in the 80s and 90s.

Similarly, here at Microsoft's battlefield 2013, they MUST continue their branding of 8. Windows 8. Windows Phone 8. Xbox 8.

With a strong and ubiquitous naming, the "8" range of operating system, phone operating system, and gaming operating system, will be unified seamlessly.

Samsung has their perfectly done "S" like. Galaxy S line. Even the Galaxy Note like is remarkably done. South Korea has arrived. BIG TIME. Gangnam Style was not the beginning. It began 10 years or so ago. The momentum keeps going upwards. It is "han" in Korean way of saying things about bettering the next generation, in order to show respect to the elders(parents). It is duty-bound. You must improve, innovate. It is Confucianism and modernism. Their Kpop stars such as KARA, T-ARA, BigBang, BoA, they train years(!!!) before "debut"ing. That's right. There is intense training, speech, exercise, language, nutrition, music, composition, poise, handling cameras, crowds, promoting, how to maintain privacy.

I'm moving there end of this year. Where? South Korea.

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